Mobile App Penetration Testing

Mobile App Penetration Testing

To verify the functionalities of your software, to check for the quality of your product, and to see that the application
is working against business requirements, opt for Functional Testing.

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What is Mobile App Penetration Testing?

Mobile phones have become indispensable in today’s time. While earlier they were used only for communication purposes, with time they are used just like mini-computers that can handle almost all the basic functions that the computer can handle.
In 2015 the mobile users in the United States spent about 55% of their digital use time accessing mobile apps. This trend has only amplified over the years, and all over the world. The development of more and more mobile apps has become a necessity. The web applications also now have their corresponding apps on mobile. This has brought about ease of use. But development alone is not enough. The apps should be guarded against malicious attacks. Lack of sufficient security features can be easily exploited by hackers. By performing
Mobile App Penetration Testing the organization can uncover loopholes, vulnerabilities, and inadequate security features, before delivering the app to end-users.

How we perform App Penetration Testing

At Precise Testing Solution, we follow the OWASP mobile application security verification standard. We have experienced specialists who can perform mobile penetration testing on network security, file system, hardware, and user-side safety.

We follow the best practices recognized by the industry to perform app pen-testing.
We perform App Penetration testing in the following steps-

We gather the information that will form the basis of the App Pen-test.
We analyze and assess the application, before and after installing it.
We find the hidden information from search engines, social networks, etc. that can be used to find vulnerabilities.
We prepare technical reports based on our findings, that list the vulnerabilities, risks, and remedial measures.
We present the document to the client. We accommodate the suggestions of the client to prepare the final document.

If you are planning to ensure the security of your app against unauthorized access and malicious attacks from hackers, choose us as your App Penetration testers.

Banking & Finance
Healthcare & Telemedicine
eCommerce & Marketplaces
Gaming & Virtual Reality
Media & Entertainment
Social Networking
Logistic & Transport
Precise Testing Solution provides a complete solution for your testing needs.

Get in touch with us today !

Tools used for Mobile App Security Testing

ZAP or OWASP Zed Attack Proxy automatically finds security vulnerabilities during the development and testing phase. It is also used by pentesters for manual testing to find security vulnerabilities.
ZAP sends files through malicious messages and verifies if the target mobile is vulnerable to the messages.

Quark or Quick Android Review Kit performs source code analysis to find out the security vulnerabilities in Android apps.

Using Drozer helps the tester to emulate the Android app, and interact with other apps through Android’s Interprocess Communication Mechanism (IPC) and Operating System.

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