Cert-In Audit

CERT-In Audit

Precise Testing Solution is CERT-In empanelment organization for IT Security Auditor. Cert-In refers to the Computer Emergency Responses Team – India, and is primarily responsible for computer security-related issues in the country. The organization is approved by the government to ensure information technology (IT) security. It came into force in 2004 by the Department of Information Technology to implement the Information Technology Amendment Act.  

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CERT-In Empaneled Laboratories

We at Precise Testing Solution are qualified to conduct security audits of websites, networks, and applications. Once Cert-In compliance is met, we issue the cert-in certification.

When is CERT-IN certification required?

The Cert-In Certification is required in the following conditions- 

  • To respond to incidents of computer security.
  • To collect, analyze and distribute information on cybersecurity attacks and vulnerabilities.
  • To prepare forecasts for security events.
  • To issue guidelines and advisories to deal with cyber attacks.
  • To coordinate cyber incident response activities.
  • Vulnerability reporting and management
  • To ensure holistic and efficient IT security policies throughout India.

The empanelled and qualified auditors at Precise Testing Solution identify the risks by performing Audit, Vulnerability Assessment, and Penetration Testing activities. They recommend required controls to maintain cyber security. 

Banking & Finance
Healthcare & Telemedicine
eCommerce & Marketplaces
Gaming & Virtual Reality
Media & Entertainment
Social Networking
Logistic & Transport
Precise Testing Solution provides a complete solution for your testing needs.

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