Hardware Security Testing

Hardware Security Testing

Day by day, security threads are increasing and now enemies are able to access all data through adding small components of hardware devices to personal devices like mobiles, laptops, and etc.Also, software can be patched, but hardware can never be easily updated; thus, security flaws are increasing dramatically day by day

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Uncover the unseen vulnerabilities of your system caused by hardware devices.

Hardware Security Testing refers to a process that checks for the security of the system against vulnerabilities caused by hardware devices. The security of hardware devices is of utmost importance because any kind of insecurity can facilitate attack on the software inside that. The test aims at uncovering the unseen vulnerabilities that expose the hardware and attached infrastructure to malicious potential attackers.

How we perform Hardware Security Testing

We at Precise Testing Solution perform Hardware Security Testing in the following ways –

Information Gathering – We gather information about the organization to be attacked.

Identification and Planning – We identify the weaknesses and assets, in order to plan out the hardware testing method.

Strategize and implement  -We build a strategy for the attack, prioritizing the vulnerabilities to be exploited. We then implement the attack.

We attempt to gain control of the system by attacking the system. We prepare a report at the end that helps in working on the hardware security vulnerabilities and leads to a more secure system.

Hardware Security Testing is also known as Hardware Penetration Testing. In this type of testing, we subject your organization’s hardware to penetration testing approaches.

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The Hardware Penetration Testing is conducted with a combination of the following approaches -

External Pen Test is done to simulate attacks from an unknown, external hacker who has little or no prior access to data on your system. This is also known as the ‘Black Box’ or ‘Black Hat’ test. The attacker has no information about the system and emulates an unknown threat. Once the hacker is given permission he starts attacking the system. In the External Pen Test, we focus on the early stages of the attack. 

In Internal Penetration Testing, the hacker has prior information about the cybersecurity, personnel, or infrastructure. This is also known as the White Hat or White Box Test. The process emulates employees currently working in the organization of former employees who have some information about the system.

Hybrid Pen Test is chosen when the hacker is partially informed about the system. The attack is tailored keeping a potential source of the attack in mind.

Hardware Testing focuses on IoT or Internet of Things devices. This involves smart devices in your network 

We check the following devices, connected to the internet, as a part of Hardware Security testing –

  • Desktops and laptops
  • Smartphones, tablets, and handheld computing devices
  • Printers, fax machines, and other electronic devices.