HIPAA Compliance Audit

With HIPPA protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Protected Health Information.

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Protecting patient's sensitive information.

HIPPA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The act is aimed at protecting sensitive patient information. Patient information is crucial, and sharing of the health and disease information of an individual may lead to a breach of trust and can have several other repercussions including a loss in the job, social ostracization, etc. The organizations dealing with the medical records of individuals, therefore, have to provide services that are HIPPA compliant. With HIPPA the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Protected Health Information are maintained.

HIPPA was introduced to prevent healthcare fraud, administration of healthcare, eliminate wastage, and ensure that employees could maintain healthcare coverage when between jobs.

We will help you to become HIPPA compliant.

We at Precise Testing Solution can help you if your organization needs to be HIPPA compliant. You do not have to go through the details of HIPPA rules, which otherwise can be time-consuming, tedious, and confusing for you. We can customize the controls and safeguards according to your organizational needs. We will help your organization in protecting privacy as mandated by HIPPA guidelines. We will not only help you become HIPPA compliant but help you maintain compliance if required.

The HIPPA rules and regulations comprise of three main components

  • The HIPPA Privacy rules
  • Security rules
  • Breach notification rules

HIPPA violation refers to failure in complying with HIPPA standards. HIPPA violations include but are not limited to unauthorized access and disposal of PHI (Protected Health Information), failure to conduct risk analysis, disclosure of more PHI than required, theft of patient records, mishandling of PHI, etc.

HIPPA violation can lead to a fine and also criminal proceedings that may result in jail terms. Companies, therefore, have to take HIPPA compliance measures seriously. Also if a company is HIPPA compliant, it earns the trust of its customers and thus helps in the growth of the business.

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