Articles - precise testing solution

RBI NBFC Compliance Audit

RBI NBFC Compliance Audit Introduction The RBI has issued master guidelines and instructions for non-banking financial services companies to identify and address operational risks and weaknesses. The desire and necessity for reducing the cyber dangers resulting from the increasing technology adopted by big organizations is the key driver behind

RBI NBFC AA Compliance Audit

RBI NBFC AA Compliance Audit Introduction Account aggregation, often referred to as financial data aggregation, is a process that involves gathering data from several accounts, such as investment accounts, bank accounts, credit card accounts, and other corporate or consumer accounts, and putting it in one location. In 2016, RBI unveiled

RBI Data Localization Compliance Audit

RBI Data Localization Compliance Audit Introduction A compliance requirement established by the RBI is the System Audit Report for Data Localization (SAR) & Storage of Payment System Data, which is intended to guarantee that the storage of payment related data is subject to the necessary security precautions and data

Indian Framework Compliance Audit

Indian Framework Compliance Audit Introduction In India, compliance management is complicated. Several hundred Acts and a few thousand Compliances are dealt with by an Indian mid- to large-sized consumer. These include, among others, licences, registrations, consent orders, renewals, returns, registers, payments, and remittances.  Businesses are also dynamic and undergo

IDRA-ISNP Security Compliance Audit

IDRA-ISNP Security Compliance Audit Introduction In today’s digital world, both buyers and sellers are becoming more interested in e-commerce. Even in the insurance sector, registered participants are investigating online marketplaces for their goods. As a result, on March 9, 2017, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA)

IT Infrastructure Security Compliance

IT Infrastructure Security Compliance Introduction IT infrastructure is a crucial component of modern-day businesses. Organisations should now enhance and support their IT Infrastructure due to the rising risk exposure, changing security landscape, and strict regulations. An in-depth examination of the IT environment is provided by performing the IT infrastructure security

Best 5 CERT-In Empanelled Auditors in India

Data Privacy and Security Compliance

Data Privacy and Security Compliance Introduction With new data protection rules appearing almost year, data protection is becoming even more important for all enterprises. Companies that fail to adopt data protection and security measures risk receiving significant penalties and legal action.  For your organization’s protection against increasing cybersecurity and

UIDAI AUA/KUA Security Compliance

UIDAI AUA/KUA Security Compliance Introduction Organizations can provide E-KYC and Aadhaar-based authentication by enrolling with UIDAI. Any business or organization with an Indian license that wants to access UIDAI’s Aadhaar authentication services must apply to become an Authentication User Agency (AUA). In order to use the immediate pre-ratified Aadhaar

RBI Information Security Compliance

RBI Information Security Compliance Introduction To help banks and other non-banking financial institutions identifying as well as addressing risks and operational shortcomings, the RBI has issued their expert directives and guidelines.   Working groups in information security, e-banking, governance, and cyber fraud provide suggestions, the RBI has made guidelines based

Precise Testing Solution Pvt Ltd