Big Data Testing

What are Hadoop Big Data Tools?

The Hadoop Ecosystem, commonly referred to as the Hadoop Big Data Tools, is a collection of Apache Hadoop software that can address various big data issues. Along with a full range of industry-standard tools and solutions, it also contains Apache open-source projects. The well-known Hadoop tools used for big data include HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, and Spark.

The amount of data produced nowadays is unparalleled due to the increase in corporate online presence, widespread access to affordable internet, sensors, etc. This has allowed for the development of distributed, linearly scalable tools. Companies are investing in platforms that can handle such a size in order to process this data properly.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the top 10 Hadoop tools which businesses can use for executing big data in the year 2024. 

Why do we need Hadoop Tools for big data? 

Nearly every industry in the modern era is producing enormous amounts of data, which are essential for the decisions an organisation will need to make in the future. This enormous volume of data is known as “big data,” which refers to a significant volume of data that comprises all the structured and unstructured datasets that must be handled, stored, and carefully analyzed. Hence, These tools for Hadoop play an important role in this situation. The Hadoop Big Data Tools may import data into Hadoop from sources like log files, machine data, or internet databases and execute intricate changes on it.

Tool #1 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache HBase 

On the top of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), Apache HBase is an open source non-relational database management Hadoop tool used for big data . Based on Google’s Big table, it provides equivalent functionality on top of HDFS and the other Hadoop Big Data Tools. Tables with enormous data can be updated along with searches performed quickly using Apache HBase. 

Tool #2 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Hive 

Apache Hive is a distributed big data storage Hadoop analytics tool that enables querying and managing enormous datasets. SQL syntax can be used to query these datasets. Accessibility to records in HDFS or additional systems of storage like HBase is made possible by Apache Hive. A Distributed Analysis Group (DAG) of MapReduce, Tez, and Spark tasks can be created from SQL-like queries using the query language HiveQL, which is supported by Apache Hive. 

Tool #3 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Mahout 

In Hadoop Analytics Tools used for Big Data, Apache Mahout is a distributed framework tool that can produce scalable machine learning algorithms. For analytical and computational tasks, Mahout encompasses a large number of java libraries. Hadoop is used to run Mahout algorithms like clustering and classification, however they are not completely dependent on Hadoop.  

Tool #4 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Pig 

As a high-level data flow tool for big data analytics, Apache Pig can analyses enormous datasets. It executes MapReduce, Tez, or Spark jobs for Hadoop. Additionally, it internally translates the queries to MapReduce, saving the user from having to learn how to create intricate Java programs. Thus, Apache Pig greatly facilitates query execution for programmers. Also, the unstructured, structured, and semi-structured data can all be handled by it. The data can then be extracted, changed, and loaded into HDFS using Apache Pig. 

Tool #5 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Spark 

One of the Hadoop Big Data Tools is Apache Spark. It is a combined analytics engine for applications involving big data and machine learning. It has the broadest adoption and is the largest open-source data processing platform. 

Hadoop, although a fantastic technology for handling enormous amounts of data, is slow since it depends on disc storage. This makes it challenging to analyses interactive data. However, Apache Spark is significantly faster because it quickly analyses data stored in the memory. 

Tool #6 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Scoop 

Apache Sqoop is the next tool in the Hadoop Big Data Tool set. It’s a command-line interface for large data transfers between Hadoop and mainframes or structured data repositories. HDFS may accept data imports from RDBMS. In MapReduce, this data can be modified before being exported once more to the RDBMS. It includes import and export tools for moving tables between an RDBMS and HDFS. You may examine the database using commands in Apache Sqoop. It also includes a crude SQL execution shell. 

Tool #7 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Avro 

An open-source data serialization tool used for big data is Apache Avro. JSON format is used by Avro to specify schemas and data types. This facilitates implementation with languages that already have JSON libraries and makes it simple to read. Because data is kept in the appropriate schema, it is fully self-descriptive. For scripting languages, this makes it perfect. Avro differs from other data transmission formats in that it does not require script creation because data is constantly attached to the schema. 

Tool #8 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Ambari 

The Hadoop Big Data Tools also include Apache Ambari. It is a web-based tool that system administrators can use to provision, administer, and keep an eye on the performance of the applications running on Apache Hadoop clusters. It offers an intuitive user interface and RESTful APIs to support cluster automation. Along with HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, HBase, Sqoop, Pig, Oozie, HCatalog, and ZooKeeper, it also supports them. Apache Ambari manages and keeps track of the entire Hadoop ecosystem from one location and serves as the cluster’s focal point of control. 

Tool #9 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Chukwa 

A comprehensive open-source tool used for big data is Apache Chukwa. It was created on top of the MapReduce and HDFS frameworks. It offers a framework for the distributed processing and collecting of data. The Hadoop Infrastructure Care Centre (HICC), an interface to display data, as well as ETL processes for parsing and archiving, Data Analytics Scripts to interpret the condition of the Hadoop cluster, and drivers that generates data are all included in Apache Chukwa. 

Tool #10 for Hadoop Big Data: Apache Zookeeper 

A centralized open-source tool used for big data is Apache Zookeeper which allows systems to control a distributed environment with several nodes. It serves as Hadoop’s distributed configuration service and limits the possibility of error by continuously monitoring each node’s state. Additionally, it gives the node a special ID so that it may be recognized as the coordination leader. Apache Zookeeper has a straightforward architecture, is adaptable, and stable in that it continues to function even if a node fails. This tool is used by many Hadoop frameworks to manage high availability and coordinate tasks. 


Hence, from the above discussion, we have seen a number of important Hadoop Big Data Tools in the list above. Although Hadoop is a great platform for processing and storing large amounts of data, because processing is more expensive than storage, it has some limitations. As the source data does not change over time, the system is likewise not transactional, necessitating constant imports of the same data. The smooth processing and storage of any business  data can be ensured by third-party services, nevertheless.

Contact Precise Testing Solution and schedule an online consultation with our expert team of QA engineers. We do extensive big data using popular tools like Hadoop, in addition to providing you with immediate improvement by thoroughly eradicating them to prevent further system failures in the future.

Being the only company in India that is accredited by both STQC and CERT-IN, we are a reputable and independent software company offering ready-made solutions with powerful features such as extensive test management, user administration, and security.

For more information, visit our website at or call our office at 0120-368-3602.

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